Yesterday PEN Kent attended the Business 2 Business 2011 exhibition in Ashford.
This was the first major opportunity for PEN Kent to exhibit and what an excellent response we received ! With over 110+ local businesses from all over Kent and further afield the exhibition was buzzing with enthusiastic attendees all looking for new business opportuntities or ways in which to grow and compliment their existing business.
The big million dollar questions for the day were “Can you still make profit from property in today’s market ?” and “Can I get started today with little or no finance ?”.
The short answers were a resounding YES to both, quickly followed by “this is exactly what our attendees get to learn from our guest speakers, experienced landlords and investors when they attend PEN Kent meetings”.
With a chance to win a bottle of bubbly being offered to all attendees the business cards and networking came thick and fast!
If you attended we trust you found the day as productive as we did and look forwadr to seeing you there next year.